As a Mattermost administrator, if your Mysql service account user was configured to have strict GRANTS, as highlighted as a special note in step 7 of our MYSQL Installation doc, you will need to grant add an additional permission to the MYSQL account. Please update the grants for the user to include the REFERENCES permission with an equivalent to:
GRANT REFERENCES ON mattermost.* TO 'mmuser'@'%';
The documentation is being updated to reflect this change.
Other information:
The log errors may be similar to:
Could not create foreign key: Error 1142: REFERENCES command denied to user for table 'RetentionPolicies' caller="sqlstore/store.go:1075"
info [2021-10-13 05:46:23.369 Z] {"level":"error","msg":"Failed to upgrade database.","fields":[{"Key":"error","Type":25,"Integer":0,"String":"","Interface":{}}]} caller="io/io.go:425" plugin_id=mattermost-file-list source=plugin_stdout
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